Paintings of hot but colourful Czech summer

The foggy and mysterious days of autumn are beginning – my (and I believe many yours as well) favourite.
But I’ve also got a bunch of paintings full of light, colour and Czech summer that I haven’t shared anywhere yet. I painted a lot during the holidays. I couldn’t work much in my beautiful new studio because of the extremely hot weather that we had here. However, I went to forests and ponds and everywhere that means summer for me and I did a lot of focused work there.

Interview for Kunstartum (CZ/SK)

I did an interview for KUNSTARTUM, a magazine about Art in our Central European region. You can read it here.

It's in Slovak though. So only for Czech and Slovak speaking fellows. Or those who are able to use translators.



Horizons - group show

I would like to invite you to a group show in Prague. This time it’s Horizons in the Kooperativa gallery.I have several paintings there, which are directly confronted with fellow painters from the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. I’m sure everyone who is interested in Czech art knows them very well.
Shows at the Cooperativa gallery are always worth it, so I hope you will manage to find some time to visit it.

13/03/2024 – 16/07/2024

Kooperativa, Pobřežní 21 – Prague 8
Tue–Sun 1000–1800

Free entry.

Best regards,
Tomas Honz

PODCAST (in czech)

The podcast is in Czech, so I will only advertiseit only in Czech.

Nedávno mě kluci z podcastu Život a dílo pozvali k sobě do pořadu.

Dali sme dohromady pěknej díl. Řešíme malování v plenéru, současný umění, drby a spoustu dalších kulišáckých věcí.

Podcast najdete tady.

A doporučuju pustit si i další díly.


I was awarded at the Art Prague festival

I've just learnt the awesome news that my series of nocturnal industrial paintings was awarded the Young Art Award at the Art Prague. Big thanks to my friend and gallerist Jan Čejka who was there at the event while I was crawling through jungles and mountains of Madeira.