Ateliéry -Group Exhibition – Prague

Six of my paintings including two large sized ones will hang at this group exhibition in the gallery of Kooperativa. More info here.   Galerie Kooperativy , Pobřežní 665/21 , Praha 8 Open:…

Alone in the Woods – Solo Show

Kromě Art Prague se koná ještě jedna výstava. Tentokrát v Hlinsku. Já vím. Je to trochu dál. Ale zase to bude zatím největší, co jsem kdy měl. 66 obrazů včetně 10ti zápůjček v úžasném prostoru…

UnderDark (Exhibition and a New Collection)

There are many caves of all sizes and conditions in Romania. However the most exciting ones can only be reached after a hike through impenetrable forests full of ravines and poisonous snakes. With a…

PODCAST (in czech)

The podcast is in Czech, so I will only advertiseit only in Czech. Nedávno mě kluci z podcastu Život a dílo pozvali k sobě do pořadu. Dali sme dohromady pěknej díl. Řešíme malování v plenéru,…

Tomas Honz, Martin Zak – paintings and sculptures – exhibition

Together with my good sculptor mate Martin Zak, we are gonna have another exhibition together. This time in Chrudim. And it’s gonna be better than ever before. Opening on June 30 at 18:00 in…

Mégethos28 – Group Exhibition – Prague

Two of my mythological paintings are there. Open till July 2nd. Hybernská 4, Prague